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Shall the County of Missaukee, Michigan, renew a tax in an amount not to exceed fifty cents per thousand dollars ($.50 per $1,000) of the taxable value on all taxable property in Missaukee County for 4 (four) years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, in order to continue providing a County-wide Ambulance Service and for the operation and maintenance of Enhanced 911? If approved and levied in its entirety in the first year following authorization, this millage would raise an estimated $160,105.00.
Shall the County of Missaukee, Michigan renew a tax in an amount not to exceed One Dollar and Twenty-five cents per thousand dollars ($1.25 per $1,000) of the taxable value on all taxable property in Missaukee County for 4 (four) years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 to continue to provide a Public Safety Fund to supplement the existing Sheriff Department budgets for Law Enforcement services? If approved and levied in its entirety in the first year following authorization, this millage would raise an estimated $400,262.00.
Shall the Township of Bloomfield, County of Missaukee, State of Michigan renew a tax in an amount not to exceed 1 mill ($1.00 per $1000) of the taxable value on all property in Bloomfielld Township for 4 (four) years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, in order to reconstruct roads and replace bridges? If approved in its entirety in the first year following authoriztion, this millage would raise an estimated $11,257.00.
Shall the Township of Butterfield, County of Missaukee, State of Michigan renew a tax in an amount not to exceed $1.50 per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) (1.50 mills) of the Taxable value on all taxable property in Butterfield Township for 4 (four) years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 inclusive in order to continue providing fire protection, including building and equipment maintenance? If approved and levied in its entirety, in the first year following authorization this millage would raise $20,666.00.
Shall the Township of Butterfield, County of Missaukee, State of Michigan renew a tax in the amount not to exceed $1.00 per thousand dollars $1,000 (1.0 mill) of the Taxable Value on all taxable property in Butterfield Township for 4 (four) years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 inclusive for the purpose of road construction and maintenance? If approved and levied in its entirety, in the first year following authorization this millage would raise $13,777.00.
Shall the 15.8 fixed tax limitation on General ad valorem taxes imposed upon real and tangible personal property for the purposes in one year under the Michigan Compiled Laws, be levied for the Township of Butterfield, County of Missaukee, State of Michigan by 2.0 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of equalized valuation) for a period of 4 (four) years- 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 inclusive for the purpose of road construction and maintenance to authorize the township to levy the said 2.0 mills for the 4 year period stated above? If approved and levied in its entirety, in the first year following authorization this millage would raise $27,554.00.
Shall the Township of Clam Union, Missaukee County, Michigan renew the 1.0 mill ($1.00 per $1,000.00 of equalized valuation) for a period of four (4) years from 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 inclusive for the purpose of Road Construction and Maintenance and to authorize the Township to levy the said 1.0 mill for the 4 year period stated above? If approved and levied in its entirety, in the first year following authorization this millage would raise $17,869.
Shall the Township of Enterprise, Missaukee County, Michigan renew a tax in an amount not to exceed $1.50 per thousand dollars (1.50 mills) ($1,000) of the Taxable Value on all taxable property in Enterprise Township for 4 (four) years: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 inclusive, in order to continue providing Fire Protection including building and equipment maintenance? If approved and levied in its entirety, in the first year following authorization this millage would raise $15,890.
Shall the Township of Enterprise, Missaukee County, Michigan renew a tax in the lower amount of and not to exceed $1.50 per thousand dollars (1.50 mills) ($1,000) of the Taxable Value on all taxable property in Enterprise Township for 4 (four) years: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 inclusive for the purpose of road maintenance and improvement? If approved and levied in its entiretyin the first year following authorization this millage would raise $15,890.
Shall the 15 mill tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Norwich Township, imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution be renewed for said Township in the amount of 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000.00 of taxable value) for the period 2000 thru 2003 inclusive for Fire Protection purposes? If approved and levied in its entirety, in the first year following authorization the millage would riase an estimated $19,883.00
Shall the Township of Riverside, County of Missaukee, State of Michigan, be authorized to levy a renewal of 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) upon the taxable real and personal property within the Township of Riverside for a period of four (4) years (2000 thru 2003) inclusive to provide funds to maintain and reconstruct roads and bridges in Riverside Township? If approved and levied this millage would raise approximately $13,000 in the first year of levy.