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A proposal to amend the consitution to permit stte to provide indirect support to students attending nonpublic pre-elementary, elementary and secondary schools; allow the use of tuition vouchers in certain school districts; and require enactment of teacher testing laws. (Proposal provided under an initiative petition filed with the Secretary of State on February 24, 2000.)
A proposal to amend the constitution to require a super majority vote (2/3 vote) of the state legislature to enact certain laws affecting local governments. (Proposal provided under an initiative pettion filed with Secretary of State on July 10, 2000.)
Shall Ordinance No. 2000-1 adopted by the Township Board on July 10, 2000 which would amend the Allegan Township Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map for purposes of rezoning property located in Section 35, north of M-89 and west of 26th street within the Township, from an
Shall the Constitutional limitation on the ad valorem tax rate in Casco Township be increased by .7500 mills ($ .7500 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the years 2000 to 2005, inclusive, for general operating purposes, and shall the Township be authorized to levy that millage, which will raise an estimated $59,842.00 in the first year?
Shall the previous voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constituion on general ad valorem taxes within Heath Township be increased at 1.5 mill ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2000 through 2004 inclusive for township road improvements and maintenance; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $99,410.66?
Shall Lee Township be authorized to levy 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for First Responders in the years 2001 through 2004 inclusive, as a renewal of previous voter authorized millage increase in the Constitutional Tax rate limitation, and to override the accumulated rollback of 0.165 mills, which will raise a total of about $29,089 in the first year of levy?
Shall Lee Township be authorized to levy 2 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) to fund road repairs in the years 2001 through 2004 inclusive, as a renewal of the previous voter authorized increase in the Constitutional Tax rate limitation, and to override the accumulated rollback of 0.226 mills, which will raise a total of about $58,179 in the first year of the levy?
Shall the tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Manlius Township imposed under Article IX, Sec 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for said Township by 1.5 mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2000 through 2004 inclusive for township road resurfacing; and shall the Township levy such increase in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $75,000?
Shall the previous voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Manlius Township be renewed at 2 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2002 through 2006 inclusive for township road improvements; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $110,000?
Shall the previous voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Martin Township be renewed at 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2000 through 2003 inclusive for township fire protection; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $46,295?
Shall the 15-mill tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Trowbridge Township imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for said Township by 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2001 through 2005 inclusive for dust control on township roads; and shall the township levy such increase in millage for said purpose thereby raising in the first year an estimated $44,483.00?
Shall the previous voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Valley Township be renewed at .5 mill ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2001 through 2004 inclusive for township fire protection; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $17,280.00?
Shall the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Valley Township be increased by .5 mill ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2000 through 2004 inclusive for township fire protection; and shall the Township levy such increase in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $17,280.00?