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A Proposal To Amend The Constitution To Permit State To Provide Indirect Support To Students Attending Non-Public Pre-Elementary, Elementary And Secondary Schools; Allow The Use of Tuition Vouchers In Certain School District; And Require Enactment Of Teacher Testing Laws. The proposed constitutional amendment would: 1.) Eliminate ban on indirect support of students attending nonpublic schools through tuition vouchers, credit, tax benefits, exemptions or deductions, subsidies, grants or loans of public monies or property. 2.) Allow students to use tuition vouchers to attend nonpublic schools in districts with a graduation rate under 2/3 in 1998-1999 and districts approving tuition vouchers through school board action or a public vote. Each voucher would be limited to 1/2 of state average per-pupil public school revenue. 3.) Require teacher testing on academic subjects in public schols and in nonpublic schools redeeming tuition vouchers. 4.) Adjust minimum per-pupil funding from 1994-1995 to 2000-2001 level. Should this proposal be adopted?
A Proposal To Amend The Constitution To Require A Super Majority Vote (2/3 Vote) Of The State Legislature To Enact Certain Laws Affecting Local Governments The proposed constitutional amendment would: 1.) Require a super majority vote (2/3 vote) of the State Legislature to enact any law which addresses a matter which a county, city, township, village or municipal authority could otherwise address under its governing powers or which places a condition on unrestricted aid extended local governments by the State. (Currently, a simple majority vote of legislature is required to enact such laws.) 2.) Retroactively apply the super majority vote requirement ot any such law enacted on or after March 1, 2000. 3.) Exempt from the super majority vote requirement any such law which can be applied at the opinion of local governments. Should this proposal be adopted?
Shall the County of Missaukee, at the petitioned request of its citizens, levy a tax in an amount not to exceed thirty-three cents per thousand dollars ($.33 per $1,000) of the Taxable Value on all taxable property in Missaukeke County for ten (ten) years - 2001 thru 2010 inclusive, in order to provide for the operation of Youth Centers within the County for the benefit of its children and under the authorization of MCLA 123.461? If approved and levied in its entirety in the first year following authorization, this millage would raise an estimated $105,669.
Shall the Township of Forest, Missaukee County, Michigan renew a tax in an amount not to exceed $1.00 per thousand dollars (1.00 mill) of the taxable value on all real and personal property located within Forest Township for four (4) years from 2001 through 2004 for the maintenance and construction of existing roads within Forest Township? If approved and levied in its entirety in the first year following authorization, this millage would raise an estimated $17,300.
Shall the City of Lake City be authorized to lease approximately 357.3 square feet of park property to John W. Miller, the owner of the Food Factory restaraunt, for a wooden walkwway leading to the restraunts deck, in return for donating $400.00 each year to the City Parks and Recreation fund and $1.00 rent per year? The premises to be leased are legally described as: Premises situated in the City of Lake City, County of Missaukee and State of Michigan, and more particularly described as: All that part of Lots 4 and 13, Block 2, Plat of Lake City, lying Southerly of a line described as: Beginning 5 feet North of SE corner of said Lot 13; Thence Westerly along a building situated on said Lot 13, 42.5 feet; thence North 6.5 feet (6 1/2 ft.); Thence Westerly and parallel with said building 42.5 feet; Thence Southwesterly to a point that lies 6 feet North of the South Line of said Lot 13 and 15.8 feet East of the West line of said Lot 13; Thence from said point proceed Westerly to a point that lies 6 feet North and 29.7 feet west of the East line of said Lot 4; Thence South 6 feet to the South line of said Lot 4 and the point of ending.