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A REFERENDUM ON PUBLIC ACT 269 OF 2001 - AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF MICHIGAN ELECTION LAW * Eliminate 'straight party' vote option on partisan general election ballots. * Require Secretary of State to obtain training reports from local election officials. * Require registered voters who do not appear on registration list to show picture identification before voting a challenged ballot. * Require expedited canvass if presidential vote differential is under 25,000. * Require ballot counting equipment to screen ballots for voting errors to ensure the accurate tabulation of absentee ballots. Permit voters in polls to correct errors. * Provide penalties for stealing campaign signs or accepting payment for campaign work while being paid as a public employee to perform election duties. Should this law be approved?
A PROPOSAL TO AUTHORIZE BONDS FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS PROJECTS, STORM WATER PROJECTS AND WATER POLLUTION PROJECTS * Authorize the State of Michigan to borrow a sum not to exceed $1 billion to improve the quality of the waters of the state by financing sewage treatment works projects, storm water projects and water pollution projects. * Authorize the state to issue general obligation bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the state for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds. * Provide for repayment of the bonds from the general fund of the state. Should this proposal be adopted?
A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO GRANT STATE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING WITH BINDING ARBITRATION * Grant state classified employees, in appropriate bargaining units determined by the Civil Service Commission, the right to elect bargaining representatives for the purpose of collective bargaining with the state employer. * Require the state to bargain in good faith for the purpose of reaching a binding collective bargaining agreement with any elected bargaining representatives over wages, hours, pensions and other terms and conditions of employment. * Extend the bargaining representatives the right to submit any unresolved disputes over the terms of a collective bargaining agreement to binding arbitration 30 days after the commencement of bargaining. Should the proposal be adopted?
A PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO REALLOCATE THE 'TOBACCO SETTLEMENT REVENUE' RECEIVED BY THE STATE FROM CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS * Annually allocate on a permanent basis 90% (approximately $297 million) of 'tobacco settlement revenue' received by state from cigarette manufacturers as follows: $151.8 million to nonprofit hospitals, licensed nursing homes, licensed hospices, nurse practitioners, school-linked health centers and Healthy Michigan Foundation; $102.3 million to fund programs to reduce tobacco use, Health and Aging Research Development Initiative, Tobacco-Free Futures Fund, Council of Michigan Foundations and Nurses Scholarship Program; and $42.9 million to the Elder Prescription Drug Program. * Guarantee recipients funding at 2001 appropriation levels plus additional state funds on an escalating basis for nonprofit hospitals, licensed nursing homes, licensed hospices and nurse practitioners. Should this proposal be adopted?
TOWNSHIP PROPOSITION NO. 1 - PARKS AND LAND PRESERVATION PROPOSITION Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Ada Township imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Ada Township by up to 0.40 mill ($0.40 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of fifteen (15) years or less, beginning in the year 2002 and continuing through the year 2016, inclusive, to provide funds for parks and land preservation, including the purchase of land, the purchase of voluntary conservation easements and the construction, operation, maintenance and equipping of improvements on land, and any related financing for these purposes? This proposed millage is new additional millage for parks and land preservation in the amount of .40 mill. It is estimated that a levy of .40 mill will provide revenue of $258,084 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage will be disbursed to the Township of Ada.
TOWNSHIP PROPOSITION NO. 2 - NON-MOTORIZED TRAIL PROPOSITION Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Ada Township imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Ada Township by up to 0.60 mill ($0.60 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of fifteen (15) years or less, beginning in the year 2002 and continuing through the year 2016, inclusive, to provide funds for the construction, operation, maintenance and equipping of a system of non-motorized trails, including the purchase of land and easements necessary to construct a trail system, and any related financing for these purposes? This proposed millage is new additional millage for non-motorized trails in the amount of .60 mill. It is estimated that levy of .60 mill will provide revenue of $387,126 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage will be disbursed to the Township of Ada.
FIRE PROTECTION MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Algoma Township imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of Michigan Constitution be increased for Algoma Township by 1.0 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of ten (10) years, beginning in the year 2004 and continuing through the year 2013, inclusive, to provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the Algoma Township Fire Department, the purchase of firefighting and emergency vehicles, apparatus and equipment, the purchase, construction and site development of real estate and/or buildings to house the Algoma Township Fire Department and the related equipment, vehicles and apparatus and any related financing for these purposes, and shall the Township of Algoma levy such increase in millage for said purposes? This proposed millage is new additional millage for fire protection in the amount of 1.0 mill and will be instead of and replace the current authorized fire protection millage of .9730 mills which expires with the 2003 tax levy. It is estimated that a levy of 1.0 mill will provide revenue of $246,244 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage will be disbursed to the Township of Algoma.
PROPOSED MILLAGE TO FUND NON-MOTORIZED TRAILS AND TOWNSHIP RECREATION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxation within Cannon Township imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Cannon Township by up to 0.4 mill ($0.40 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of six (6) years, beginning in the year 2002 and continuing through the year 2007, inclusive, to provide funds for the implementation of the Cannon Township Recreation Plan, including the acquisition of easements and other interests in land for non-motorized trails and passive and active recreational areas; the design, construction, maintenance and operation of non-motorized trails, outdoor recreation areas and recreational facilities; the design, development, equipping and operation of recreational facilities at the Cannon Township Center property; and any related financing for these purposes? This proposed millage is new millage in the amount of .4 mill. It is estimated that a levy of .4 mill will provide revenue of $161,860.54 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage will be disbursed to the Township of Cannon.
FIRE DEPARTMENT MILLAGE Shall the limitation on general ad valorem property taxes with the Township be increased by 0.7478 of one mill annually (which is approximately equal to 75 cents per $1,000 of taxable value of all real and personal property subject to taxation) for the period 2003 through 2007 and increased 0.975 of one mill annually (which is equal to 97 1/2 cents per $1,000 of taxable value of all real and personal property subject to taxation) for the period 2008 through 2022. The purpose of authorizing the Township to levy such millage is to finance firefighter wages and benefits, facilities, including a new fire station, equipment and other operational costs for providing fire protection. The amount raised by such levy in the first year is estimated at $893,910 (an estimated $872,548 would be for the cost of providing fire protection. An estimated $21,362 would be captured by the Township's Downtown Development Authority for its use, as required by State law).
PROPOSAL TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP OF TOWNSHIP BOARD Explanation. There are presently five members on the Courtland Township Board - the supervisor, clerk, and treasurer, and two trustees. Because the population of Courtland Township has now reached 5,000 persons, State law requires that Township citizens must vote whether to increase the membership on the Township Board by adding two trustees. If the proposal is approved, the Courtland Township Board would remain at its present size until the two additional trustees are elected by citizens at the general November election in 2004. Proposal. Shall two additional trustee positions be added to the Courtland Township Board?
CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS CHARTER AMENDMENT TO AMEND TITLE VI, SECTION 2, BY ADDING NEW SUB-SECTIONS (d) THROUGH (k), PERTAINING TO THE OFFICE OF MAYOR. This amendment sets forth additional duties of the Mayor as executive head of the City, including a leadership role in inter-governmental relations, reviewing and commenting on the budget and major public improvements proposed by the City Manager before their submission to the City Commission, recommending salaries of the City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and City Treasurer to the City Commission, making a state of the City address in January and an annual report to the City Commission, assigning City Commissioners to committees, and maintaining regular office and working hours. Shall this amendment be adopted?
LOWELL AREA HISTORICAL MUSEUM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MILLAGE BALLOT PROPOSAL Shall the City of Lowell, Kent County, Michigan, levy a new special ad valorem property tax of .25 of one mill annually (which is equal to $.25 per $1,000 of taxable value) on the taxable value of all real and personal property subject to taxation for a ten-year period commencing July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2013, for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Lowell Area Historic Museum? The amount raised by such levy in the first year is estimated at $24,340.73 (an estimated $20,903.13 would be used for museum operation and maintenance and an estimated $3,437.60 would be disbursed to the City's Downtown Development Authority for its use).
REFERENDUM ON LOWELL CHARTER TOWNSHIP ORDINANCE NO. 00-08, ADOPTED AUGUST 7, 2000 Shall Lowell Charter Township Ordinance No. 00-08, being an amendment to Article III, Section 4.1.1 of the Township Zoning Ordinance, and the Table of Use Regulations, to allow residents in an AG-2 Zoning District to obtain a Special Use Permit from the Township Planning Commission for a 'Home Based Business,' be approved?
PROPOSAL TO ELECT TWO ADDITIONAL TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES Shall two additional trustees of the Township of Oakfield be elected, commencing with the first general November election after the Township qualifies for such additional trustees?
NORTH KENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PROPOSAL Shall Plainfield Charter Township enter into a contract with the North Kent Sewer Authority and its constituent municipalities pursuant to 1955 P.A. 233, as amended, as approved by its Township Board, for constructing, operating and maintaining a wastewater treatment plant and other sanitary sewer system improvements, and which authorizes the Authority to issue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $50,000,000 for a term up to 40 years to finance that project, pursuant to which the Township will pledge its limited tax full faith and credit to the payment of its obligations under that contract?
MILLAGE FOR TOWNSHIP SERVICES Shall the tax rate limitation for the Township of Solon be increased, and levied on all taxable property, in the amount of one mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the years 2002-2005, both inclusive? This proposal is for new millage levy. Property tax revenues generated by this millage levy will be used for Township services, including public library, parks and other outdoor recreational facilities, Township fire protection services, public road maintenance and improvements, cemetery maintenance and improvements and the acquisition and maintenance of real and personal property. It is estimated that levy of one mill would provide revenue of $101,117 in the first calendar year. Revenues from the millage will be disbursed to the Township of Solon.
Shall two additional trustees of the Township of Solon be elected, commencing with the first general November election after the Township qualifies for such additional trustees?