General Statistics - Help Card |
Average Hits per Day - Number of successful hits divided by the total number of days in the log.
Average Page Views per Day - Number of page views divided by the total number of days in the log.
Average Page Views per Unique Visitor - Number of page views divided by the total number of unique visitors.
Average Visits per Day - Number of visits divided by the total number of days in the log.
Average Visit Length - Average of non-zero length visits in the log.
Document Views - Number of hits to pages that are considered documents--not dynamic pages or forms--as defined by the system administrator.
Hit - A single action on the Web server as it appears in the log file. A visitor downloading a single file is logged as a single hit, while a visitor requesting a Web page including two images registers as three hits on the server; one hit is the request for the .html page, and two additional hits are requests for the downloaded image files. While the volume of hits is an indicator of Web server traffic, it is not an accurate reflection of how many pages are being looked at.
Hits: Entire Site (Successful) - Number of hits that had a "success" status code.
Hits: Home Page - Number of times the home page (as defined in the profile) was viewed.
International Visits - Percentage of visitors defined as "international" in Domain Options.
Home Page Hits - Number of times your home page was visited.
Median Visit Length - Median of non-zero length visits in the log. Half the visit lengths are longer than the median, and half are shorter. This number is often closer to the "typical" visit length than the average visit length. Numbers that are wildly atypical can skew the average, but will not skew the median so much.
Page - Any document, dynamic page, or form. Documents are user-defined in Options, but typically include all static content, such as complete html pages. Dynamic pages are created with variables and do not exist anywhere in a static form. Forms are scripted pages which get information from a visitor and pass it back to the server.
Page Views - Hits to files designated as pages. Supporting graphics and other non-page files are not counted.
Page Views: Document Views - Hits to pages that are defined as documents. This entry excludes hits to dynamic pages and forms.
Unique Visitors- Individuals who visited your site during the report period. If someone visits more than once, they are counted only the first time they visit.
Visits - Number of times a visitor came to your site. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.
Visits from Spiders - Number of visits from any site classified as a spider.
Visits from Your Country - Percentage of visits from your country. The name of your country and the country code are shown. Your system administrator configures the selection for your country.
Visits of Unknown Origin - Percentage of visitors from an origin that could not be determined.
Visits Referred by Search Engines - Number of visits that began with a referral from any site classified as a search engine.
Visitors Who Visited More Than Once - Number of individual visitors who appear more than once in the log file. Individuals can be tracked by IP addresses, domain names, and cookies. Cookies provide the most accurate count.
Visitors Who Visited Once - Number of individual visitors who appear only once in the log file. Individuals can be tracked by IP addresses, domain names, and cookies. Cookies provide the most accurate count. |
The General Statistics page provides an overview of your Web site's performance and visitor behavior and can help you determine which chapters will be most valuable to you.
Log records for the last second in the log file are not included in this analysis. There is no way to tell if information for that second is complete until the log records following it become available. The data for the last second will be included when the next analysis is run and additional data is available. |