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The proposed constitutional amendment would:
* Create a Conservation and Recreation Legacy Fund within the Constitution and establish existing conservation and recreation accounts as components of the fund.
* Use current funding sources such as state park entrance and camping fees; snowmobile, ORV and boating registration fees; hunting and fishing license fees; taxes and other revenues to fund accounts.
* Establish the current Game and Fish Protection Fund and the Nongame Fish and Wildlife Fund within the Constitution.
* Provide that money held in Funds can only be used for specific purposes related to conservation and recreation and cannot be used for any purpose other than those intended.
Should this proposal be adopted?
The proposed constitutional amendment would:
* Ban public institutions from using affirmative action programs that give preferential treatment to groups or individuals based on their race, gender, color, ethnicity or national origin for public employment, education or contracting purposes. Public institutions affected by the proposal include state government, local governments, public colleges and universities, community colleges and school districts.
* Prohibit public institutions from discriminating against groups or individuals due to their gender, ethnicity, race, color or national origin. (A separate provision of the state constitution already prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin.)
Should this proposal be adopted?
Public Act 160 of 2004 would:
* Authorize the Natural Resources Commission to establish a hunting season for mourning doves.
* Require a mourning dove hunter to have a small game license and a $2.00 mourning dove stamp.
* Stipulate that revenue from the stamp must be split evenly between the Game and Fish Protection Fund and the Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund.
* Require the Department of Natural Resources to address responsible mourning dove hunting; management practices for the propagation of mourning doves; and participation in mourning dove hunting by youth, the elderly and the disabled in the Department's annual hunting guide.
Should this law be approved?
The proposed constitutional amendment would:
* Prohibit government from taking private property for transfer to another private individual or business for purposes of economic development or increasing tax revenue.
* Provide that if an individual’s principal residence is taken by government for public use, the individual must be paid at least 125% of property’s fair market value.
* Require government that takes a private property to demonstrate that the taking is for a public use; if taken to eliminate blight, require a higher standard of proof to demonstrate that the taking of that property is for a public use.
* Preserve existing rights of property owners.
Should this proposal be adopted?
The proposed law would:
* Increase current funding by approximately $565 million and require State to provide annual funding increases equal to the rate of inflation for public schools, intermediate school districts, community colleges, and higher education (includes state universities and financial aid/grant programs).
* Require State to fund any deficiencies from General Fund.
* Base funding for school districts with a declining enrollment on three-year student enrollment average.
* Reduce and cap retirement fund contribution paid by public schools, community colleges and state universities; shift remaining portion to state.
* Reduce funding gap between school districts receiving basic per-pupil foundation allowance and those receiving maximum foundation allowance.
Should this proposed law be approved?
Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Ada Township imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Ada Township by up to 0.50 mill ($0.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of fifteen (15) years or less, beginning in the year 2006 and continuing up to the year 2020, inclusive, to provide funds for the expansion, construction, operation, maintenance, replacement, and equipping of the Township's non-motorized trail system, including the purchase of land and easements necessary to expand and contrusct the trail system, and any related financing for these purposes? This proposed millage is new additional millage for non-motorized trails in the amount of 0.50 mill. It is estimated that a levy of 0.50 mill will provide revenue of $416,283 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage will be disbursed to the Township of Ada.
Shall the Township of Algoma, County of Kent, Michigan, add two trustee positions to the township board pursuant to MCL 168.358(4), resulting in the township board having seven members, with those two additional trustees being first elected at the State general election to be held on November 4, 2008?
Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxation within the Township of Algoma imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Algoma Township by up to one-half (0.5) mill ($0.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of five (5) years, beginning in the year 2006 and continuing through the year 2010, inclusive, subject to reduction as provided by law, on taxable property in the Township? The purpose of this new millage levy is to provide for the development and equipping of parks and recreational facilities, to serve as matching funds for available grant programs, and for the acquisition of real and personal property for parks and recreation. It is estimated that a levy of 0.5 mill would provide revenue of $159,661 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage levy will be disbursed and used by the Township.
Shall the citizens of Byron Township remove Audrey Nevins as Township Supervisor for the following reasons: Initiating, pursuing and voting for a contract proposal with Rockford Ambulance which will be an additional cost to the Township and its residents; creating conflicts of interest by allowing, permitting, or not opposing board members to be employed in other paid positions within the Township; threatening firefighters with termination for questioning decisions that affect the Fire Department and the safety of the residents of the Township; excessive and unnecessary use of Township Attorny at additional costs to the Township and its residents; conducting Township business (including fiscal decisions) without the knowledge or authority of Township Board or other authorities. JUSTIFICATION OF CONDUCT IN OFFICE: As the Supervisor of Byron Township and a former Clerk and Trustee, I have provided effective and forthright leadership for our community, where I have lived for 35 years. I am proud of the Township Board's decision to ensure that emergency services are provided 24-hours per day to our township. I believe a township our size which serves 22,000 residents should have a dedicated full-time ambulance in addition to our outstanding police and fire department services. I am also proud of our Board's policy to require developers to reimburse the Township for its engineering, legal and planning expenses. This policy assures that developers and not the taxpayers pay these costs. This also helps to ensure that development is always consistent with our plans for managed growth in the Township. I am grateful for the confidence Byron citizens have shown in me be electing me to serve, first as Clerk and then Trustee, and now as Supervisor, for the past 18 years. I look forward to continuing to work with the Township Board to maintain an open and responsive township government for all of our citizens.
Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Cannon Township imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Cannon Township by 1.0 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of ten (10) years, beginning in the year 2006 and continuing through the year 2015, inclusive, to provide funds for the operation and maintenance of the Cannon Township Fire Department, the purchase of firefighting and emergency vehicles, apparatus and equipment, the purchase, construction, improvement, maintenance and site development of real estate and/or buildings to house the Cannon Township Fire Department and the related equipment, vehicles and apparatus and any related financing for these purposes, and shall the Township of Cannon levy such increase in millage for said purposes? This proposed millage is new additional millage for fire protection in the amount of 1.0 mill. However, if adopted, the millage will replace the current authorized fire protection millage of .94 mills which expires with the 2007 tax levy. It is estimated that a levy of 1.0 mill will provide revenue of $522,082 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage will be disbursed to the Township of Cannon.
Shall Township Ordinance No. 448, adopted by the Township Board on June 20, 2006, rezoning lands to the PUD-5 Community Service Planned Unit Development District, in accordance with the Development Plan for the Village of Orchard Hills Planned Unit Development, be approved?
Shall a proposed ordinance which allows the sale on Sunday of beer and wine for consumption on licensed premises in the City of Grandville be adopted?
Shall the Township of Grattan property tax rate limitation be increased, and shall said increase be levied on taxable property in the Township, in the amount of .3577 mill ($.3577 per $1,000 of taxable value), subject to reduction as provided by law? As an example, a resident with a home having a taxable value of $100,000 would have an increase in annual property taxes of $35.77. The purpose of the millage levy is to offset decreases in the Township's allocated operating millage levy as a result of the Headlee Amendment. Property tax revenues generated by this millage levy will be used for general Township operations. It is estimated that a levy of .3577 mill would provide revenue of $50,645 in the first calendar year. Revenues from the millage will be disbursed to the Township of Grattan.
Shall the tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Oakfield Township imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for said Township by 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period of 2006 through 2009 inclusive for Road Paving in conjunction with Kent County Road Commission; and shall the Township levy such increase in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $164,886.00.
Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxation within the Township of Solon imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Solon Township by up to 1.500 mill ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of five (5) years, beginning in the year 2006 and continuing through the year 2010, inclusive, subject to reduction as provided by law, on taxable property in the Township? The purpose of this new millage levy is to provide funds for the acquisition, construction, financing, equipping, and furnishing of a new township hall and related site improvements. It is estimated that a levy of 1.500 mill would provide revenue of $211,132 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this new millage levy will be disbursed by the Township of Solon to the Township.
Shall the tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Tyrone Township imposed under Article IX, Sec 6 of the Michigan Constitution be renewed for said Township at 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period 2007 through 2008 inclusive to provide for fire department operations; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $100,000.00?
Shall the sale of spirits and mixed spirit drink in addition to beer and wine be permitted for consumption on the premises within the township of Vergennes under the provisions of the law governing same?
Shall Sections 7.1 and 7.2 of the Walker City Charter be amended (effective at the end of the current term of office of the City Clerk in November, 2007) to provide that the City Clerk shall be appointed by the City Commission rather than be elected?
This proposal is a partial renewal of millage for building and site sinking fund purposes which will expire with the 2006 tax year. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Grandville Public Schools, Kent and Ottawa Counties, Michigan, for sinking fund purposes of 1.463 mills which will expire with the 2006 tax year, be partially renewed by and the board of education be authorized to levy not to exceed 1.4 mills ($1.40 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2007 to 2016, inclusive, to continue to provide for a sinking fund for the purchase of real estate for sites for, and the construction or repair of, school buildings and all other purposes authorized by law; if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect the first year of levy, 2007, is approximately, $2,017,955?