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Shall Kent County levy .7893 mill ($0.7893 per $1,000 of taxable valuation) on the taxable value of all real and personal property subject to taxation for the period 2010 through 2029 inclusive to expand, remodel, equip, operate, maintain and defray debt service for Kent County Correction and Detention Facilities? This millage is a renewal of the previously authorized millage which expires following the 2009 levy. The amount raised by the levy in the first calendar year is estimated at $17,640,000.
Shall the Township of Cannon renew and continue to levy 0.3760 mill ($.3760 per $1,000 of taxable value) in the years 2008-2013, inclusive, for the purpose of continued funding of non-motorized trails and recreation areas, including acquisition, construction, operation and maintenance costs, according to the Cannon Township Recreation Plan? This proposal would authorize the increased limit on ad valorem taxes, as otherwise imposed on the Township by Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution. It is estimated that a levy of 0.3760 mill would provide revenue of $206,996 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this millage levy would be disbursed to the Township of Cannon.
Shall the previously voted increase in the constitutional tax rate limitation of general ad valorem taxes within Township of Cascade of 0.25 mills, reduced to 0.2272 mills (22.72 cents per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at 0.2272 mills for a period of twenty (20) years, 2008 through 2027, inclusive, for the purpose of purchasing new equipment necessary for providing fire protection services, providing firefighter wages and benefits, and providing continuous, 24-hour fire protection coverage at two stations within the Township? This millage renewal would raise an estimated $324,937 in the first year of the levy. To the extent required by law, a small portion of the tax levy revenues (approximately $16,119 in the first year) will be captured and disbursed to the Township's Downtown Development Authority for its use.
Shall the previously voted increase in the constitutional tax rate limitation of general ad valorem taxes within Township of Cascade of 0.25 mills, reduced to 0.2272 mills (22.72 cents per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at 0.21 mills for a period of twenty (20) years, 2008 through 2027, inclusive, for the purpose of funding the operation of the East Precinct of the Kent County Sheriff Department and continue 24-hour police protection coverage within the Township? This millage renewal would raise an estimated $300,338 in the first year of the levy. To the extent required by law, a small portion of the tax levy revenues (approximately $14,900 in the first year) will be captured and disbursed to the Township's Downtown Development Authority for its use.
Shall Section 8.1, Chapter VIII, of the Charter of the City of Kentwood be amended to add a new subsection (d) that would authorize the City Commission to levy up to thirty-five hundredths (0.35) mills ($0.35 per $1,000 taxable value) on all taxable real and personal property in the City to provide funds for the construction and maintenance of a public library in the City to the extent authorized by law? (If approved and levied, the thirty-five hundredths [0.35] mills is estimated to raise $742,358.00 in the first calendar year of the levy.)
Shall the previous voted increase in the constitutional tax rate limitation on general ad valorem taxes in the Township of Sparta be renewed at 0.2409 mills ($0.2409 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied on taxable property for six (6) years, 2008 through 2013, inclusive, to provide funds for the acquisition of fire equipment? This millage renewal would raise an estimated $60,538 in the first year of the levy. To the extent required by law, a small portion of the tax levy revenues (approximately $3000 in the first year) will be captured within the district of and disbursed to the Village of Sparta Downtown Development Authority.
Shall the constitutional tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes in the Township of Sparta be increased by 0.25 mills ($0.25 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied on taxable property for six (6) years, 2008 through 2013, inclusive, for improving, remodeling, renovating and repairing the Sparta Fire Station and for vehicle purchases for fire protection? This millage would raise an estimated $62,825 in the first year of the levy. To the extent required by law, a small portion of the tax levy revenues (approximately $3114 in the first year) will be captured within the district of and disbursed to the Village of Sparta Downtown Development Authority.
Shall the tax limitation on general ad valorem taxes within Tyrone Township imposed under Article IX, Sec 6 of the Michigan Constitution be renewed for said Township at 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period 2009 through 2010 inclusive to provide for fire department operations; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby, raising in the first year an estimated $110,000.00?