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The proposed law would:
* Permit physician approved use of marijuana by registered patients with debilitating medical conditions including cancer, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C, MS and other conditions as may be approved by the Department of Community Health.
* Permit registered individuals to grow limited amounts of marijuana for qualifying patients in an enclosed, locked facility.
* Require Department of Community Health to establish an identification card system for patients qualified to use marijuana and individuals qualified to grow marijuana.
* Permit registered and unregistered patients and primary caregivers to assert medical reasons for using marijuana as a defense to any prosecution involving marijuana.
Should this proposal be adopted?
The proposed constitutional amendment would:
* Expand use of human embryos for any research permitted under federal law subject to the following limits: the embryos --
-- are created for fertility treatment purposes;
-- are not suitable for implantation or are in excess of clinical needs;
-- would be discarded unless used for research;
-- were donated by the person seeking fertility treatment.
* Provide that stem cells cannot be taken from human embryos more than 14 days after cell division begins.
* Prohibit any person from selling or purchasing human embryos for stem cell research.
* Prohibit state and local laws that prevent, restrict or discourage stem cell research, future therapies and cures.
Should this proposal be adopted?
Shall one and thirty one hundredths (1.31) mills ($1.31 on each $1,000.00) of taxable valuation, subject to the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution, be levied and assessed upon property within the Township of Arcada for a period of six (6) years commencing with the year 2008 for the purpose of providing fire protection and emergency response service throughout the Township of Arcada? This is the renewal of a previous millage. The estimated amount of revenue that will be collected in the first year that the millage is authorized and levied is $65,000.00.
Shall Elba Township impose an increase of up to one half mill ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution and levy it for 6 years, 2008 through 2021 inclusive, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing and replacing streets, roads and bridges within the township, which .50 mill increase will raise an estimated $15,875.00 in the first year the millage is levied.
Shall Washington Township, Gratiot County, Michigan impose an increase of up to one mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution and levy it for 5 years, 20009 through 2013 inclusive, for the purpose of Fire Protection, which one mill will raise an estimated $18,900 in the first year?
This proposal will allow the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews millage that will expire with the 2008 tax levy. Shall the currently authorized millage rate limitation of 18 mills ($18.00 of each $1,000 of taxable valuation) on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Breckenridge Community Schools, Gratiot, Midland and Saginaw Counties, Michigan, be renewed for a period of 6 years, 2009 to 2014, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2009 is approximately $511,669 (this is a renewal of millage which will expire with the 2008 tax levy)?
ITHACA PUBLIC SCHOOLS MILLAGE PROPOSAL, BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TAX LEVY Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Ithaca Public Schools, Gratiot and Montcalm Counties, Michigan, be increased by and the board of education be authorized to levy not to exceed 1 mill ($1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the years 2008 and 2009, to create a sinking fund for the construction or repair of school buildings and all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2008 is approximately $194,433.
SAINT LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews millage that will expire with the 2009 tax levy. Shall the currently authorized millage rate limitation of 18 mills ($18.00 of each $1,000 of taxable valuation) on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Saint Louis Public Schools, Gratiot, Midland and Isabella Counties, Michigan, be renewed for a period of 4 years, 2010 to 2013, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $725,700 (this is a renewal of millage which will expire with the 2009 tax levy)?