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PINE GROVE TOWNSHIP PROPOSITION 1: AUTHORIZATION AND LEVY FOR RENEWAL OF MILLAGE FOR FIRE PROTECTION Shall the expired previous voted increases in the tax limitations imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution in Pine Grove Township, of 1 ½ mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value), reduced to 1.4155 mills ($1.4155 per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at and increased up to the original voted 1 ½ mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for 5 years, 2010 through 2014 inclusive, for the purpose of providing fire protection within the Township, raising an estimated $128,500.99 in 2010?
PINE GROVE TOWNSHIP PROPOSITION 2: AUTHORIZATION AND LEVY FOR RENEWAL OF MILLAGE FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE AND PAVING. Shall the expired previous voted increases in the tax limitations imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution in Pine Grove Township, of 2 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value), reduced to 1.8875 mills ($1.8875 per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at and increased up to the original voted 2.0 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for 5 years, 2010 through 2014 inclusive, for maintaining and upgrading existing Township roads, raising an estimated $171,334.66 in 2010?
BLOOMINGDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 16 OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Bloomingdale Public School District No. 16, Van Buren and Allegan Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2010, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $1,312,434 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2009 tax levy)?
COVERT PUBLIC SCHOOLS RECALL Statement of Reason: Frieda Brown voted yes for unnecessary addition to school, class room, high school office and gym. This will make a third gym added to the school and there are close to 700 students in the entire school district. Then she laid off several teachers. Now there are several empty classrooms and some rooms being used for storage. The community was told this was built from a grant. Then found out at a Board Meeting where the community was furthering questioning, the community found out the building was not being built from a grant but a loan. Justification of Conduct: The Board Members of Covert Public Schools must provide quality education for our students and offer, as we could, homestead exemption to our citizens. The school board continually decreased the millage rate from 21 to 18 mills beginning 2001, and is currently at 18 mills. Covert Schools lost 2.3 million dollars in tax monies (which fund the school budget), because of the reclassification of the New Covert Generating Plant for the 2009-2010 school year resulting in staff reduction. The residents of Covert were notified of the Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB) and Building & Site Bonds through several community and school board meetings during the 2007-2008 school year. The Bonds were defined as debt instruments (loan), not a grant, through a January 2008 school newsletter and board meetings. The additional gym was built for students for the before-school and after-school programs, allowing students a place to play during recess and bad weather, and to support the athletic programs due to the MHSAA ruling. The existing gyms were utilized as classrooms/lunchroom during the school day. Additional classrooms in the middle/high school building were absolutely needed for students. This eliminated students from being taught in storage rooms and elementary rooms. Shall Frieda Brown be recalled from the office of Covert Public School Board Member?
COVERT PUBLIC SCHOOLS RECALL Statement of Reason: Clarence Lauderdale voted yes for unnecessary addition to school, class room, high school office and gym. This will make a third gym added to the school and there are close to 700 students in the entire school district. Then he laid off several teachers. Now there are several empty classrooms and some rooms being used for storage. The community was told this was built from a grant. Then found out at a Board Meeting where the community was furthering questioning, the community found out the building was not being built from a grant but a loan. Justification of Conduct: The Board Members of Covert Public Schools must provide quality education for our students and offer, as we could, homestead exemption to our citizens. The school board continually decreased the millage rate from 21 to 18 mills beginning 2001, and is currently at 18 mills. Covert Schools lost 2.3 million dollars in tax monies (which fund the school budget), because of the reclassification of the New Covert Generating Plant for the 2009-2010 school year resulting in staff reduction. The residents of Covert were notified of the Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZAB) and Building & Site Bonds through several community and school board meetings during the 2007-2008 school year. The Bonds were defined as debt instruments (loan), not a grant, through a January 2008 school newsletter and board meetings. The additional gym was built for students for the before-school and after-school programs, allowing students a place to play during recess and bad weather, and to support the athletic programs due to the MHSAA ruling. The existing gyms were utilized as classrooms/lunchroom during the school day. Additional classrooms in the middle/high school building were absolutely needed for students. This eliminated students from being taught in storage rooms and elementary rooms. Shall Clarence Lauderdale be recalled from the office of Covert Public School Board Member?
GOBLES PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Gobles Public Schools, Van Buren and Allegan Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2010, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $698,490 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2009 tax levy)?
LAWRENCE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Lawrence Public Schools, Van Buren County, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 2 years, 2010 and 2011, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $750,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2009 tax levy)?
DOWAGIAC UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Dowagiac Union School District, Cass, Van Buren and Berrien Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2010, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $4,525,363 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2009 tax levy)?
MARCELLUS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS MILLAGE PROPOSAL, BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TAX LEVY Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Marcellus Community Schools, Cass, St. Joseph and Van Buren Counties, Michigan, be increased by and the board of education be authorized to levy not to exceed 1.25 mills ($1.25 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 5 years, 2010 to 2014, inclusive, to create a sinking fund for the construction or repair of school buildings and all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $195,000?
MARCELLUS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL This proposal will enable the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Marcellus Community Schools, Cass, St. Joseph and Van Buren Counties, Michigan, be increased by 1 mill ($1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2010, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $22,719 (this millage is to restore millage lost as a result of the reduction required by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and will be levied only to the extent necessary to restore that reduction)?
MATTAWAN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Mattawan Consolidated School, Van Buren and Kalamazoo Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2010, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2010 is approximately $1,900,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2009 tax levy)?