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Shall a convention of elected delegates be convened in 2011 to draft a
general revision of the State Constitution for presentation to the
state's voters for their approval or rejection?
The proposed constitutional amendment would:
Make a person ineligible for election or appointment to any state or
local elective office or to hold a position in public employment in
this state that is policy-making or has discretionary authority over
public assets, if:
* within the preceding 20 years, the person was convicted of a felony
involving dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or a breach of the public trust;
* the conviction was related to the person's official capacity while
holding any elective office or position of employment in local, state
or federal government.
Require the State Legislature to enact laws to implement the
Should this proposal be adopted?
Shall the constitutional tax limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed each year upon property in Lapeer County, Michigan, be increased in the amount of 33 cents ($.33) per thousand ($1,000.00) dollars (.33 mil) of the state equalized valuation of all taxable property in the Lapeer County, estimated to provide $939,009 in revenue in the first year of levy for a period of four years, 2010 through 2013, inclusive, for the purpose of developing, maintaining and operating parks and recreational facilities and programs by Lapeer County and sharing 25% (estimated to provide $234,752 in the first year) with townships, cities, and villages within Lapeer County as determined by population distribution for the purpose of acquisition, developing, maintaining and operating local parks and recreational facilities and programs. To the extent required by law, a small portion of the total revenues from the tax levy (estimated to be approximately 2% total in the first year of the levy) may be captured within any Downtown Development Authority or Tax Increment Financing Authority in Lapeer County. Any amount captured by these authorities will be deducted from that community's portion of the local parks and recreation share received.
This millage will allow the school district to continue to levy not more than the statutory rate of 18 mills against non-principal residence and non-qualified agricultural property required for the school district to continue to receive its full revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all taxable property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Almont Community Schools, Counties of Lapeer, St. Clair, Macomb and Oakland, be increased by 18 milles ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of one (1) year, 2010 only, to provide in part the funds to operate and maintain the school system? It is estimated that the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in the 2010 calendar year will be approximately $140,000 from the local taxes authorized in this proposal. The proposed millage is a renewal of a previously authorized millage of 18 mills.
Shall Deerfield Township withdraw from membership in the Greater Lapeer Transportation Authority?
Shall the previously authorized millage increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Metamora Township, Lapeer County, be renewed as presently reduced by the required millage rollbacks at a rate of 9392 mills (93.92 cents per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period 2011-2021 inclusive, for a continuation of the current level of fire protection by the Metamora Township Fire Department; and shall the Township levy such renewal in millage for said purpose, thereby raising in the first year and estimated $211,000?
Statement of Reason: As a member of the North Branch Board of Education, Lorrelei Natke failed to represent the best interests of North Branch students and taxpayers by supporting and encouraging a frivolous federal civil rights lawsuit by her family members against North Branch Area Schools, which the judge dismissed as being without merit. Justification of Conduct in Office: This lawsuit filed by Dennis Natke, not Lorrelei Natke, has not cost the district anything, but this recall will cost upwards of $20,000. Here are the facts: My son participated in act with 7 other athletes. His Lord called him through his conscience to confess to parents within hours of action. He immediately attempted restitution. He came forward without anyone knowing what he had done (only one who did). Few weeks later, two other students committed the same act (one while representing North Branch in basketball uniform at Birch Run). Each of those students received 2 game athletic suspension; my son received 12. This was blatant favoritism. I asked Mr. Fish for same discipline as given to other two; Denied. Requested meeting with superintendent; Denied; School Board; Denied. After witnessing far too many of these exact incidents, Mr. Natke, took it upon himself, to challenge the longstanding inconsistency of our school leadership. He filed a lawsuit in Lapeer County, asking for equal treatment for all athletes, and asking for no money. The School moved the action to Federal Court because they feared Mr. Natke would win. I was voted to represent the community, who will stand up for you now? Shall Lorrelei Natke be recalled from the office of Board Member?