Brought to you by Election Magic August Election 2011 - 8/2/2011

Proposal Text

Lilley Township Recall - Supervisor -- Recall of Jack Hoving, Township Supervisor

Statement of Reason: Spent $50,000.00 on attorney, Law Weathers firm, for zoning enforcement and legal opinions. Justification of Conduct in Office: Recall petition is without merit. Expenses are paid by whole board, not by one individual. Legal expenses have been mostly caused by Ricky Fulton zoning violations and Charles Barron embezzlement conviction. Township officials are sworn to protect the township in these matters. Shall Jack Hoving be recalled from the office of Township Supervisor, Township of Lilley, County of Newaygo, Michigan?

Lilley Township Recall - Treasurer -- Recall of Kathryn Way, Township Treasurer

Statement of Reason: Spent $50,000.00 on attorney, Law Weathers firm, for zoning enforcement and legal opinions. Justification of Conduct in Office: Recall petition is without merit. Expenses are paid by whole board, not by one individual. Legal expenses have been mostly caused by Ricky Fulton zoning violations and Charles Barron embezzlement conviction. Township officials are sworn to protect the township in these matters. Shall Kathryn Way be recalled from the office of Township Treasurer, Township of Lilley, County of Newaygo, Michigan?