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ROAD MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the Township of Keeler levy a tax in an amount not to exceed one dollar ($1.00) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) (1.00 mill) of the taxable value on all taxable property for road maintenance, repair, and construction for a period of four years from 2011 through 2014 inclusive? Proposal would raise the estimated sum of $123,400.00 in the first year of this levy.
POLICE MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the Township of Keeler levy a tax in an amount not to exceed seventy-five cents (.75 cents) per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) (3/4 of a mill) of the taxable value on all taxable property for police protection and services within Keeler Township for a period of four years from 2011 through 2014 inclusive? Proposal would raise the estimated sum of $92,600.00 in the first year of the levy.
RECALL OF TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR Statement of Reason: 1) For voting at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to approve and sign a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; 2) for failing to act upon or support a request by the overwhelming majority of Township residents present at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to temporarily table consideration of a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; 3) by voting at a Township meeting on March 1, 2011, to accept the bid of Coloma Emergency Ambulance Inc. for ambulance services; and, 4) by denying at a Township meeting on March 1, 2011, that he served on the Cass-Van Buren Emergency Services Authority. Justification of Conduct in Office: As the elected Supervisor of Keeler Township I have the responsibility of making decisions based on fact and not emotions. The ability to make a decision for all of the residents of Keeler Township has always been a priority. 1) The decision was also made because of concerns regarding finances and operations of Sister Lakes Ambulance; 2) CEMS offers more ambulances, transport units, and a more qualified staff when your life depends on it; and 3) Their service is at no cost to our residents who have no insurance coverage for ambulance transport. Once an exhausted study was done on both services, the decision was clear cut. Though difficult to release a service who has served us for so long, knowing CEMS offers a more professional staff and service lead me to my decision. As an active participant in my community I was appointed at a public meeting in 2007 to the Cass-Van Buren Emergency Services Authority. This was reported in the media and is part of the record. The facts are clear and the decision was right for our Township. As a life-long resident I stand by my decision. Shall William J. Kays be recalled from the office of Keeler Township Supervisor?
RECALL OF TOWNSHIP CLERK Statement of Reason: 1) For voting at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to approve and sign a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; 2) for failing to act upon or support a request by the overwhelming majority of Township residents present at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to temporarily table consideration of a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; and 3) by voting at a Township meeting on March 1, 2011, to accept the bid of Coloma Emergency Ambulance Inc. for ambulance services. Justification of Conduct in Office: Most of you know that I have been a dedicated Township Clerk for the past 24 years and my knowledge and service to all the residents is my duty as the Keeler Township Clerk. I know there is a group of silent majority Keeler Township residents who support the actions that I and the rest of the Keeler Township Board have taken. It may be the concerned citizens’ right to be vocal and raise their voice, but it also is my right to protect the silent majority and vote the way they elected me to do. The voters elected me to make the hard decisions and that is what I have done. I hope that you will not lower your standards, and that you do not support the concerned citizens who have filed this recall. Please support the best qualified person, don’t settle for less. It is your right and the right thing to do. All you have to do is vote and voice your support as a silent majority voter. Retain me as your Keeler Township Clerk. Shall Carl F. Davis be recalled from the office of Keeler Township Clerk?
RECALL OF TOWNSHIP TREASURER Statement of Reason: 1) For voting at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to approve and sign a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; 2) for failing to act upon or support a request by the overwhelming majority of Township residents present at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to temporarily table consideration of a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; and 3) by voting at a Township meeting on March 1, 2011, to accept the bid of Coloma Emergency Ambulance Inc. for ambulance services. Justification of Conduct in Office: As Treasurer of Keeler Township I was elected to make decisions that would benefit the residents of the Township in keeping with the well managed financial position of the Township’s public funds. I reviewed the written bids and listened to the proposals presented at the March 1st Township Board meeting concerning the ambulance contract. As a past member (36 years) and former Chief of the Keeler Township Fire Department I feel that I had the best understanding of the proposed services. I made my decision to change ambulance service provider based on the following: 1) Review of contents of bid documentation for each service; 2) The concerns of management and financial stability of each service; and 3) The viability of future service to the Township. I have lived in Keeler my whole life. I made my decision based on the facts. It is the right decision for Keeler Township. Shall Robert Millhouse be recalled from the office of Keeler Township Treasurer?
RECALL OF TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Statement of Reason: 1) For voting at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to approve and sign a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; 2) for failing to act upon or support a request by the overwhelming majority of Township residents present at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to temporarily table consideration of a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; and 3) by voting at a Township meeting on March 1, 2011, to accept the bid of Coloma Emergency Ambulance Inc. for ambulance services. Justification of Conduct in Office: As an elected Keeler Township Trustee I have sworn to faithfully perform the duties of that office. To whom do I owe that duty? The duty is owed to all Keeler Township residents. One of the obligations of Keeler Township government is to provide an ambulance service to the residents. The ambulance service must be of the highest quality, well administered and staffed with the highest trained personnel. We now have an ambulance service, Coloma Emergency Medical Service, which provides advanced cardiac paramedic care and advanced pediatric paramedic care twenty-four seven at no cost to our residents who have no insurance coverage for ambulance transport. Our ambulance service for our residents is now unequalled. I trust them with my life. Shall Don Blackmond be recalled from the office of Keeler Township Trustee?
RECALL OF TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Statement of Reason: 1) For voting at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to approve and sign a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; 2) for failing to act upon or support a request by the overwhelming majority of Township residents present at a Township meeting on March 26, 2011, to temporarily table consideration of a contract with Coloma Emergency Ambulance, Inc.; and 3) by voting at a Township meeting on March 1, 2011, to accept the bid of Coloma Emergency Ambulance Inc. for ambulance services. Justification of Conduct in Office: I voted for hiring Coloma Emergency Medical Service. Upon learning of the positive response of the townships served by CEMS, their advanced staff and training, and the lack of financial stability of Sister Lakes Ambulance Service, I cast my vote for the company that would best serve the people of Keeler Township. I came to this decision after careful consideration of the facts and my desire to select the finest, most advanced service for our family and neighbors. I have made many hard decisions in my 35 years of service to Keeler and believe this action was the right one for our Township. Shall Patrick Daly be recall from the office of Keeler Township Trustee?
FIRE PROTECTION RENEWAL Shall Paw Paw Township establish a special assessment district comprised of all real property situated within the boundaries of the Township and shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed on the taxable valuation of real property in the Township of Paw Paw, Van Buren County, Michigan be increased by one (1.00 mil), being $1.00 on each $1,000.00 on the true cash value of said real property for a period of four (4) years commencing with the 2011 tax year for the purpose of appropriating funds for fire protection purposes pursuant to Public Act 33 of 1931, being MCLA 41.801 et seq, 1976? It is estimated the revenue collected by the Township of Paw Paw as a result of this proposal will be $222,628.00 in the first year. This is a renewal of a previously authorized millage.
COVERT PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT NO. 18 COUNTIES OF VAN BUREN AND BERRIEN, MICHIGAN BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TAX PROPOSAL This proposal, if approved by the electors, will allow the Covert Public Schools District No. 18 to levy a building and site sinking fund millage, the proceeds of which will be used to pay the cost of infrastructure improvements and repairs to the School District’s facilities. Pursuant to State Law, the expenditure of the building and site sinking fund millage proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for teacher, administrator or employee salaries, maintenance or other operating expenses. Shall the Covert Public Schools District No. 18, Counties of Van Buren and Berrien, State of Michigan, be authorized to levy 2.0 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable valuation), for a period of twenty (20) years, from December 1, 2011 through June 30, 2030, to create a building and site sinking fund for the purpose of the construction or repair of school buildings or any other purpose authorized under Michigan law? This millage would provide estimated revenues to the Covert Public Schools District No. 18 of approximately One Million One Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand ($1,136,000) Dollars during the 2011 calendar year, if approved and levied.