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VAN BUREN COUNTY ROAD MILLAGE RENEWAL Shall there be a .9769 mill levy ($.97 per $1,000 dollars) of the taxable value on the taxable property in Van Buren County for the next four (4) years (2012-2015), for the purpose of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of all public streets, avenues and road in Van Buren County? It is estimated that the revenue generated on this proposal will be $2,868,208 in the first year of the levy.
ALMENA TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP PROPOSAL 2012-1 ROAD MILLAGE RENEWAL Shall the expiring previously voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Almena Township be renewed at .9418 mill ($.9418 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for four (4) years, 2013 through 2016 inclusive, for maintenance, repair, and construction of township roads, raising an estimated $144,838 in the first year of levy? Millage revenue will be distributed to other governmental units that contractually provide such services to the Township, including the Van Buren County Road Commission or to other or fewer units as determined by the Almena Township Board.
ALMENA TOWNSHIP FIRE MILLAGE RENEWAL Shall the expiring previously voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Almena Township be renewed at .9418 mill ($.9418 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for four (4) years, 2013 through 2016 inclusive, for fire protection services and fire equipment reserve, raising an estimated $144,838 in the first year of levy? Millage revenue will be distributed to other governmental units that contractually provide such services to the Township, including Paw Paw Fire Department, Gobles-Pine Grove Fire Department, Antwerp Township-Mattawan Fire District, and to other or fewer units as determined by the Almena Township Board.
ARLINGTON TOWNSHIP ROAD MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Shall the Township of Arlington, Van Buren County, Michigan, renew the two (2.00) mills tax levy ($2.00 on each $1,000) on the taxable value of real and personal property in Arlington Township for a period of four (4) years, commencing December 1, 2012 and continuing for the tax years 2013, 2014, and 2015, to be used for Township Road Improvements? It is anticipated that the revenue collected by the Township as a result of this proposal will be approximately $108,970 in the first calendar year of the levy.
BLOOMINGDALE TOWNSHIP ROAD MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL Shall the previously voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6, of the Michigan Constitution in Bloomingdale Township, of 4.0000 mills ($4 per $1,000 of taxable value on real and personal property), reduced to 3.8764 mills by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at 3.8764 mills ($3.8764 per $1,000 of taxable value on real and personal property) and levied on real and personal property for a period of four years, 2013 through 2016 inclusive, for the purpose of road maintenance, improvements, repair and construction? It is estimated the revenue collected by Bloomingdale Township as a result of this proposal will be $378,950 in the first year the millage is levied based on the most recent taxable value.
COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP ROAD MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the previously expired voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6, of the Michigan Constitution in Columbia Township, of 3 mills ($3 per $1,000 of taxable value on real property), reduced to 2.8608 mills by the required millage rollbacks, be increased and renewed at 3 mills ($3 per $1,000 of taxable value on real property) and levied on real property for a period of four years, 2012 through 2015 inclusive, for the purpose of road maintenance, improvements, repair and construction? It is estimated the revenue collected by Columbia Township as a result of this proposal will be $308,700 in the first year the millage is levied based on the most recent taxable value.
DECATUR TOWNSHIP FIRE AND QUICK RESPONSE RENEWAL PROPOSITION CONCERNING FIRE AND QUICK RESPONSE PROTECTION WITHIN THE JOINT FIRE PROTECTION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT COMPRISED OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF DECATUR AND HAMILTON AND THE VILLAGE OF DECATUR, ALL OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, MICHIGAN Shall there be levied, for a period of five (5) years commencing in 2012 through 2016, an additional special assessment of one-half mill for fire protection and one-half mill for quick response protection ($1.00 on each $1,000.00), upon the Taxable Value of all the lands and premises within the Joint Fire Protection Special Assessment District comprising the entire unincorporated portions of Decatur and Hamilton Townships, and the entire incorporated portion of the Village of Decatur, all of Van Buren County, Michigan, for the purpose of purchasing fire and quick response equipment, apparatus and housing for same, and to operate and maintain joint fire and quick response protection within said district? This is a renewal of a previously authorized millage.
GENEVA TOWNSHIP ROAD MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the previously voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Geneva Township reduced by required rollback to 2.9844 mills be increased to and renewed at the original 3.0 mills ($3.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period 2013 through 2018 inclusive for Township Road improvements; and shall the township levy such renewal millage for said purpose, thereby raising in the first year an estimated $241,736.40?
HAMILTON TOWNSHIP FIRE AND QUICK RESPONSE RENEWAL PROPOSITION CONCERNING FIRE AND QUICK RESPONSE PROTECTION WITHIN THE JOINT FIRE PROTECTION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT COMPRISED OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF DECATUR AND HAMILTON AND THE VILLAGE OF DECATUR, ALL OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, MICHIGAN Shall there be levied, for a period of five (5) years commencing in 2012 through 2016, an additional special assessment of one-half mill for fire protection and one-half mill for quick response protection ($1.00 on each $1,000.00), upon the Taxable Value of all the lands and premises within the Joint Fire Protection Special Assessment District comprising the entire unincorporated portions Decatur and Hamilton Townships, and the entire incorporated portion of the Village of Decatur, all of Van Buren County, Michigan, for the purpose of purchasing fire and quick response equipment, apparatus and housing for same, and to operate and maintain joint fire and quick response protection within said district? This is a renewal of a previously authorized millage.
PORTER TOWNSHIP FIRE PROTECTION MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL Shall the Township of Porter, Van Buren County, Michigan, renew the two (2.00) mills tax levy ($2.00 on each $1,000) on the taxable value of real property in Porter Township for a period of four (4) years, commencing December 1, 2012, and continuing for the tax years 2013, 2014, and 2015, to be used for Township Fire Protection? It is anticipated that the revenue collected by the Township as a result of this proposal will be approximately $237,300.00 in the first calendar year of the levy.
SOUTH HAVEN TOWNSHIP POLICE PROTECTION RENEWAL Shall the police protection millage previously authorized in the Charter Township of South Haven at .75 mill ($.75 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation), and rolled back to .75 mill, be renewed for the years 2012 through 2016 at the full .75 mill (thereby overriding the accrued rollback) to raise about $105,750 for police protection in the first year of the levy?
SOUTH HAVEN TOWNSHIP LIBRARY MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the tax limitation imposed on all taxable real and tangible personal property within the Charter Township of South Haven, Van Buren County, Michigan, be increased for said Township in an amount not to exceed .4396 mill ($.4396 on each $1,000 of taxable value) for a period of twenty (20) years, 2012 to 2031 inclusive, for the purpose of providing library services for the residents of the Township, including service provided by the South Haven Memorial Library, and for all other library purposes authorized by law; and shall the Township levy such new additional millage for said purpose? The estimate of the revenue the Township will collect if the millage is approved and levied by the Township in the 2012 calendar year is approximately $62,500.
WAVERLY TOWNSHIP ROAD MILLAGE PROPOSAL Shall the previously voted increase in the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes within Waverly Township reduced by the required rollback to 1.8304 be increased to and renewed at the original 2.0 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for the period 2013 through 2018 inclusive, for Township Road Improvements and Repairs; and shall the township levy such renewal millage for said purpose, thereby raising in the first year an estimated sum of $116,520.82?
BLOOMINGDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL N0. 16 OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Bloomingdale Public School District No. 16, Van Buren and Allegan Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 3 years, 2012, 2013 and 2014, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2012 is approximately $1,162,723 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2011 tax levy)?
LAWRENCE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Lawrence Public Schools, Van Buren County, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 2 years, 2012 and 2013, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2012 is approximately $750,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2011 tax levy)?
LAWTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Lawton Community Schools, Van Buren and Kalamazoo Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 3 years, 2012, 2013 and 2014, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2012 is approximately $1,030,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2011 tax levy)?
BANGOR TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 8 WOOD SCHOOL OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Wood School District No. 8, Van Buren County, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2013-2023, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2013 is approximately $29,168.77 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2012 tax levy)?
DOWAGIAC UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDING PROPOSAL Shall Dowagiac Union School District, Cass, Van Buren and Berrien Counties, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Nineteen Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($19,900,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of: erecting, furnishing and equipping a high school addition to and partially remodeling the Dowagiac Middle School; acquiring and installing educational technology improvements including related remodeling, equipment and infrastructure in school district buildings; and developing and improving athletic fields and facilities, play fields and the middle school/high school site? The following is for informational purposes only: The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2013, under current law, is 2.35 mills ($2.35 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The maximum number of years the bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, is twenty-five (25) years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 2.26 mills ($2.26 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). If the school district borrows from the State to pay debt service on the bonds, the school district may be required to continue to levy mills beyond the term of the bonds to repay the State. (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.)
MATTAWAN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Mattawan Consolidated School, Van Buren and Kalamazoo Counties, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for the year 2012, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2012 is approximately $1,750,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2011 tax levy)?