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Shall the Charter Township of Lincoln levy .325 mills, which is equal to $0.325 dollars for each $1,000 dollars of taxable value on the real and personal property subject to taxation, for a period of seven (7) years commencing in 2013 through 2019, inclusive, for the purpose of funding the operations of the Township's Fire Department? This levy will raise approximatley $205,000 in the first calendar year.
Shall the Charter Township of Lincoln levy .175 mills, which is equal to $0.175 dollars for each $1,000 dollars of taxable value on the real and personal property subject to taxation, for a period of seven (7) years commencing in 2013 through 2019, inclusive, for the purpose of funding the acquisition of capital assets for the Township's Fire Department such as a fire truck? This levy will raise approximatly $110,000 in the first calendar year.
Shall Berrien Springs Public Schools, Berrien County, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of: erecting, furnishing and equipping a new auditorium and a new auxiliary gymnasium; and developing and improving the site? The following is for informational purposes only: The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2013, under current law, is 1.48 mills ($1.48 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The maximum number of years the bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, is twenty (20) years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond dept is 1.97 mills ($1.97 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). If the school district borrows from the State to pay debt service on the bonds, the school district may be required to continue to levy mills beyond the term of the bonds to repay the State. (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.)