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Shall the City of New Buffalo, County of Berrien, Michigan, borrow the principal sum of not to exceed Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) payable in not to exceed fifteen (15) years from the date of issue, and issue its limited tax general obligation bonds, in one or more series, for the purpose of paying all or part of the cost of the planning, engineering, design and construction of municipal infrastructure improvements, including, but not limited to, improvements to the water distribution system, sanitary and storm sewer facilities, streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, public parking facilities, public restroom facilities, and the fire station parking lot; a bridge over the Galien River; and the relocation of overhead power and communications facilities, together with all appurtenances and attachments thereto?
Shall Hagar Township, Berrien County, Michigan levy a renewal of .3638 mills ($.3638 per $1000 of taxable value) in the years 2016 through 2019 inclusive, for general operating purposes, which will raise, in the first year of the levy, the sum of approximately $62,280. (If passed, this millage, combined with the current millage of .6362, which has been reduced due to the required Headlee Reduction, will restore the total combined millage rate levied by Hagar Township for operating purposes to the previously authorized rate of 1.00 mill.
Shall the Township of Weesaw, Berrien County, Michigan, levy 1.0 (one) mill, which is equal to $1.00 for each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation of real and personal property subject to taxation? Said millage will be a renewal of the 2014-2015 millage to be used for the maintenance, upkeep and construction of roads, within Weesaw Township, so designated by the Township Board. Said millage, if approved by the electors of the Weesaw Township, will be levied for a period of two years, beginning with the year 2016 and ending with the levy in the year 2017. Based on current valuation, it is estimated that the levy will generate approximately $81,968.67 in the first year of the levy.
In support of the continued operation of the Village of Michiana, Berrien County, Michigan, Police, Fire & Ambulance service and continued operating expenses for Emergency Services including Police, Fire & Ambulance service, shall the Village levy 1 (one) mill which is equal to $1.00 (one dollar) for each $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) of real and personal property subject to taxation. Said millage will be used for emergency services equipment and general operating expenses for emergency services. Said millage, if approved by the electors of the Village of Michiana, will be levied for a period of 5 (five) years, starting in 2017 and ending in 2021. It is estimated that the levy will generate approximately $70,000 in the first year.
Shall the charter tax rate limitation, previously approved by the electors of Lake Michigan College District, Michigan, for levy on all real and personal property within said District, be increased by .48 mill ($0.48 per $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years (2017 to 2026, inclusive), for the purpose of safety and security improvements, energy efficiency upgrades, renovation of instructional spaces, instructional technology upgrades, and other capital improvements, which if approved, is expected to raise approximately $4,364,000 in the first year (2017) of such a levy?
This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the building and site sinking fund millage that expires with the 2017 tax levy. Shall the currently authorized millage rate of 1 mill ($1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) which may be assessed against all property in Niles Community Schools, Berrien and Cass Counties, Michigan, be renewed for a period of 10 years, 2018 to 2027, inclusive, to continue to provide for a sinking fund for the purchase of real estate for sites for, and the construction or repair of, school buildings and all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2018 is approximately $550,000 (this is a renewal of millage that will expire with the 2017 tax levy)?