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Shall the tax limitation on all taxable property within the Township of Vermontville, Eaton County, Michigan, be increased and the Township be authorized to levy a millage in an amount not to exceed 1.0 mill ($1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable value), of which .9954 mill is a renewal of the millage rate that expires in 2017 and .0046 mill is new additional millage to restore the millage rate previously authorized, for five (5) years, 2018 to 2022 inclusive, to provide funds for operating, equipping, and purchasing for the fire department or any other purpose authorized by law for fire service purposes? The estimate of the revenue the Township will collect if the millage is approved and levied by the Township in the 20 1 8 calendar year is approximately $54,200.
Shall the tax limitation on all taxable property within the Township of Vermontville, Eaton County, Michigan, be increased and the Township be authorized to levy a millage in an amount not to exceed 1.0 mill ($1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable value), of which .9953 mill is a renewal of the millage rate that expires in 2017 and .0047 mill is new additional millage to restore the millage rate previously authorized, for five (5) years, 2018 to 2022 inclusive, to provide funds for operating, maintaining and equipping the Vermontville Township Library and for all other library purposes authorized by law? The estimate of the revenue the Township will collect in the first year of levy if the millage is approved and levied by the Township in the 2018 calendar year is approximately $54,200.
This proposal requests the restoration of millage to allow the continued levy by the intermediate school district of the maximum mills for special education previously approved by the electors. Shall the current limitation on the annual property tax rate for the education of students with a disability in Ionia County Intermediate School District, Michigan, be increased by .4122 mill ($0.4122 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2017 to 2026, inclusive (this increase will allow the intermediate school district to levy the maximum rate of 4.75 mills previously approved by the electors that has been reduced as required by the Michigan Constitution of 1963); the estimate of the revenue the intermediate school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2017 is approximately $715,000 from local property taxes authorized herein?